10 Essential Content Writing Tips for B2B SaaS Businesses
Content Writing is a game and everyone can’t play it as it requires a certain level of expertise, expertise in writing? No man! Expertise in researching, analyzing and understanding the goal of the brand or whoever you are working for! And when I am talking about SaaS it requires the highest level as there is a difference between SaaS and anything else!
I will help you to understand this game with some tips that will not only boost your confidence but will bring you a clear idea about it and I will mention the SEO part as well! let’s stop talking nonsense and dive deep into it, Wear your shoes and jump in! Doers
First things first
Why will you write content for B2B? As it will reach a wider audience. Okay so why the hell you will write for SaaS? It’s simple it’s the new normal.
Do you believe in magic? Most probably yes but here nothing is magic and nothing is left in the courtyard, we the SaaS writers don’t make the audience aware of the new feature of the software but we educate the audience which matters most in the end of the day! How will you know who you are talking with? It takes time to understand. Everyone loves to understand the matter in a lucid way! Right got my point? Let me go deep into this
Write for your Target Audience
Before writing be aware of the clients, who you are providing the knowledge. In the world of writers and technology, it’s not that easy to get the best and most useful resource but you can be the key with your expert research and understanding of the game! Before proceeding further I would like you to stop reading it open a new tab and search for the Hubspot ICP and make your Ideal Customer Profile.
Hope you are done with this now understand this clearly you have to be very very clear with your words as one word can change the whole game and make it simple, like if you mention what is Cross-Selling then elaborate on it assuming you have a reader of 15 years old!
Use keywords effectively
As I have told you that I will help you with the SEO, so here I am to make the blog useful from every perspective. SaaS businesses are already unique in their position still I love to stand out of the crowd, so I would suggest you do the same with expert Keyword implementations. Whenever you will write content remember, Use the right keywords to not only rank it on Google’s first page but also to make it useful for the audience. Like if you are writing on Calendly use relevant keywords like planning, and scheduling don’t mention keywords like vegan tourism.
Remember not to use too many keywords as it looks spammy!
Optimize your Titles and Meta Description
Your title is something an audience will look at the very first moment, and it all will happen within 3 seconds either this hook your audience and make him read the whole Blog or clean Bold, the choice is yours!
And if I come to the meta description point it is something people will notice immediately after the Title so make it tuned to your content and add CTA.
Like if we are talking about the new services added to your company ‘xyz’ then write like this ‘another tool added for increasing your growth’ and make the description like ‘bringing the best for the people like you who are the best and want to make the best, wanna crack it? let’s check it!’
Create long-form content
Write at least 2000+ words no minimum word count (600). If you want to rank high in Google then write long-form in-depth content which will give you confidence too! A secret with this your readers will value you! Got it? shhh, don’t tell anyone! let’s move to the next one.
Focus on Quality not Quantity
Anirban, you said to write more. Yes, I did, but I never ever asked you to compromise with the value, if you think 1200 words is enough to give value to your readers then go for it and didn’t make it lengthy with unnecessary stuff! Similarly, give them in-depth data, case studies, and Do and Don’ts and briefly describe what they are getting and what they will get.
Ask yourself before writing what is the SaaS product I am writing about? How people will be beneficial? What problems they will face? How to provide solutions to it before the arrival of their problems.
Use Case Studies and Testimonials
This is the most important part, you have the key in your hand and you need to decide which lock you will open with it. Show them the capabilities and past performance of your SaaS products, How it can be beneficial for them to solve their problems.
Find pain points — solve it, Simple. And it will boost trust and credibility.
Use Visuals
Use photos, videos and Infographics to make your readers cum customers engaged with your content. Remember human Brains can catch visuals quickly and they stay for a longer time. As you know the Google logo, and Microsoft logo this is the similar thing! It puts an effect on the SEO as well.
Who loves an outdated product? Will you use outdated protein powder? No, right? So you can’t provide old outdated content to your readers. So you have to check the blog or content and update it within a certain time span and if your company has a new product, introduce it with backlinks.
Do you use Backlinks, if not then you are missing out a lot. According to MOZ Backlinks build authority and effects on SEO. So for the next time don’t forget to put Backlinks to your content. As well it will increase the chances of your website appearing in search results. Read More
Share and repurpose
It is the crucial thing to remember while you make content, you need to share your content across all social media with repurposing and proper hashtags, as this will bring new buyers.
End Note
I have tried my best to elaborate on the best tips to conquer the content writing game for your SaaS business. Remember writing is also an art like painting so make it in the best way as it will bring customers to your website.
Now it’s on you, grab a pen and paper note down the interesting thing you have learned throughout the blog and how will you implement this. Everyone has something different in their bag if you have anything do share them in the comment sections.